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Xin Liu Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Xin Liu

Dear FINRA regulators,
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest, including the restriction to buy leveraged and inversed funds.
I came to the U.S considering that it is the wealthiest country in the world and it should be an example for the rest of the world. One of the best things in the U.S is you have the freedom to choose almost whatever you want, as long as you don't harm anyone else. This should include investment decisions. If a fund is public, then it should be public to everyone. Also, people should be responsible for their own choice, that is one of the important processes of how people can learn their own lessons and make them become better selves. Currently, we already got high-risk warnings, and we have to sign some agreements before we can buy leveraged or inverse funds. I believe this is enough to make responsible investors be cautious.
Where I came from, China, there are way too many restrictions on investments and the end result is only the privilegedfew end up taking the main advantages of the incredible growth of the past several decades. The inequality grew even faster than the economy. An average citizen in China still struggles with what people consider basics here, despite the fact that China is thesecond-biggest economy (and predicted to be the biggest) and U.S now is treating China as its main rival.Nowadays the inequality in the U.S is also the largest in history. I believe such regulation, even though it may sound like it is protecting individual investors, will still do more harm than good in the long run, and it will make the inequality issue even worse.