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Xiaohan Wang Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08


I strongly disagree with limiting the leveraged and inverse fund. Firstly, USA flaunt it is free market all the time. If regulators decide to do so, then whats the difference between USA and China. How can USA complain about the China is not free market? USA is not free market neither. Since 2020, FED has infinitely printed money in the name of saving economy to pump and manipulate the financial market to all the time high, which already hurt the credit of the dollar and nation. Secondly, folks have right to make its own investment decision. people have responsibility to understand the financial product they plan to buy, like leverage and inverse fund, with taking the corresponding consequence. Thirdly, I highly doubt the motivation of FINRA try to limit the leveraged and inverse fund at this timing point. Its because regulators truly want to protect investors or just dont want market to crash way too much when FED try to increase interest rates and do balance sheet reduction against inflation. FED criminally created this disaster and regulators just try to help FED to support the unsustainable bubble sacrificing the free market. This is unacceptable if it is true. I hope USA would not become western China in the future.