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William MInder Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

William MInder

It's really time for the "Big Brother" to move on from your ill advised attempt to save the peons from themselves.

If a person is not capable of making prudent decisions in their life, including what to invest in, is it the government's job in a democratic, free society to save them from their own stupidity? I think not and don't think that was the Founding Fathers intention in the constitution. States rights, limited federal government, the right to free speech, the right to think and act to control your own destiny.

We are not yet a socialist nation where the government tells us how to life your lives. Who are you to decide what funds I choose to put my hard earned money into? I've paid my taxes I'm free to do whatever I choose with my money and don't appreciate a bunch of bureaucrats setting up a special test to see if I can "qualify" to your artificial standards. How about you just leave us alone to live our lifes, let us learn from our mistakes and successes, we don't need you to provide a band-aid every time we stumble and fall down. Falling down is part of life.