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William Gilmartin Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

William Gilmartin

Dear FINRA, It has come to my attention that you are considering restrictive regulations on various final investment options that are currently offered for public investments. I am a small-time investor and do not have the same type of wealth that hedge fund and wealthy investors have so, I appreciate having the type of funds that are available today which offer various well-defined strategies. This gives me the option to invest in some of the same types of strategies that the big players use. For example the use of leveraged and inverse leveraged funds. I do use a high degree of diligence in investing what these strategies are, the particular fund management teams and the market conditions. Most of the investors that invest in these funds have a high degree of understanding of the amount of risk involved in using these exotic strategies. I do have to navigate and respond to market conditions for all of my investments needs and this depends on responding quickly to changes in the market conditions. I do fear that having to navigate the mandates of regulatory agents who do not fully understand or consider my particular needs and interests would do more harm than good. I have been successful up til now dispute turbulent times. From my perspective such regulations are completely unnecessary. Thanks for listening.