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William Gaymon Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

William Gaymon

I am a retail investor who enjoys testing and using various stock picking strategies for a part of my portfolio. I don't have any professional training in the workings of the stock market. However, I was a math major in college and a computer scientist by trade. I think I know enough to understand the basic concept of a leveraged ETF and/or inverse ETFs. I also use an analytical stock picking application to help me make my trades.

I know that leveraging in particular when held long term can decay and contribute to losses. However, it is also often contributing to gains or at least hedging against losses. Inverse ETFs in particular are essential to some of my trading strategies. Without them my only other option would be to short stocks in a down market.

I sincerely hope that regulation doesn't make that process even more difficult by imposing criteria that are presumably protecting me as a small time investor. Sometimes even dumb money wants to retain that right to have a shot at being right.