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William Dunham Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

William Dunham

I am opposed to government regulators restricting individual financial accounts! It would change the dynamics of a free and open market economy! For instance, the ETF symbols, BOIL & KOLD, have a boom and bust historical market cycle. The NATURAL GAS traders can swing the market prices wildly and that is how markets operate. I believe president Biden and his administration will bear down on these market prices and bring the overall cost down for the upcoming mid-term election. High natural gas prices hurt all Americans. The purpose of working with the Energy Companies will be to encourage drilling, thereby moving the prices down and helping to lower inflation!! The high NAT GAS prices pre2009, were the result of vertical drilling. with fracking Energy companies can produce significantly more NAT GAS. The USA has enough NAT GAS to supply within and without (the world economy), if the politicians will allow! I am opposed to more government regulations-restrictions meddling with existing financial account positions in all ETF's. I would never have started a financial account, if it had been revealed that the gov't would restrict and deny additional monies to these existing positions (such as at a later date). I am a believer in dollar cost averaging and the market will change direction without regulation interference. Please do not restrict my future investment in these ETF's. Thank you, Bill Dunham [REDACTED]