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William Canter Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

William Canter

Dear Regulator,

I have been a retail investor for years and found that Leveraged ETFs are not as risky as many have been led to believe. I have been able to post gains whether the market is up or down using very basic strategies. Taking away my right to choose what I invest in (especially ETFs)and making me run a gauntlet that I may not successfully navigate makes no sense. There are many other options like crypto, penny stocks and frankly any individual stock that is much more risky than an index ETF. I have noticed this after over 20 years of investing. The ETF has been a godsend for me and many of my friends. I do not have to risk a bad report for an individual stock or flip a coin on a penny stock.

Trading a leveraged index ETF is much like trading a fund me allowed me to apply what I learned from trading it to my 401k account. As a result, I was able to improve my 401k returns at least 5% a year.

My returns have been great and it has changed my life for the better using ETFs like SSO, SPXL and TQQQ. Taking these away and limiting how I can use these tools would be devastating for me. Look at their charts - the proof is all there. All I have to do is buy low & sell high (relatively speaking). If you try that with an individual stock, it is much more risky, because many companies never recover. It would take an apocalypse for a leveraged index ETF not to recover over a period of time. Please let reason prevail. limiting the average investor's ability to trade these amazing tools would be nothing short of madness.