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William Alexander Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

William Alexander


Hi My name is William Alexander.
I just want to write to express my concern over the proposed limitations concerning the trading of leveraged funds in the stock market.
Im a nobody. I started work at a gas station at $7/hour 15 years ago. I literally had zero money in
savings, no car, a small apartment, and 35k in debt!
Did I bemoan my fate? Absolutely not! The great thing about America is that it provides opportunities to achieve the American Dream for EVERYONE-not just the rich and privileged. All that is necessary is a vehicle to achieve, hard work, and the willingness to get ahead. The ProShares leveraged funds was a vehicle that I used to do just that-get ahead in life. Now I am living the American Dream, because I was able to invest in the ProShares leveraged vehicles without restriction. Today, I am debt free. I received an Excellent credit rating because of that. Furthermore, I now own my on townhome in a nice area of Scottsdale AZ. The ProShares Leveraged Funds were instrumental in my achievements.
More importantly than myself, I have taught others at my work (yes Im still at the gas station), to do the same. It would be literally impossible for those of us at minimum wage jobs to get ahead in this world if we had to pass tests, prove a high net worth, or show some special skill or advanced knowledge to do so.
Im sure you believe that by putting restrictions upon whom can access such vehicles is just a protection mechanism; however, as the old saying goes He who seeks safety in things also gives up his freedoms, and hence free license to grow, learn, fail, and succeed (or words to that affect).
Therefore, I humbly implore you-please do not pass regulations that would limit The least of us to become blessed and to bless others in this great nation. I am a living example of a rags to riches story enabled by the unrestricted trading in Leveraged Funds.