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Weston Davis Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Weston Davis

This proposed regulation is backwards. Restricting the individual on their financial choices through regulation will only hurt individual investors and benefit wealth or institutional investors. These regulations stink of the wealthy and large institutional investors attempting to protect the market from retail investors. They thought for a long time that they held a monopoly on investment power and could make the markets go their way at their will. The retail investor shook them to the core and showed how little power they really have. Now they lobby to restrict my freedom of investment choice to protect their fiefdom. These proposed regulations represent some of the worst of crony capitalism that has led to a stagnation of the middle class and stifled innovation and competition in this country for the past two decades. Your attention should be on the vehicles themselves to insure they are above board, that is your job in government... to protect us from those that would seek to take our capital. These rules would also further prevent the small retail investor from the potential of second mover rewards on their investments. Most are already locked out of first mover status where the largest returns are realized due to overburdened regulation.