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Wesley Schapper Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Wesley Schapper

I have every right to choose for myself what to invest in, regulators have NO right to decide for me what is right or what should be available to me. Regulators have no right to make life decisions for anyone but themselves. I am offended by the very idea that regulators would suggest anyone "take a test" to determine their ability to invest in anything, let alone specific commodities. This is discrimination. Regulators are suggesting the general public is too stupid to understand investing so they must do it for us...typical bureaucratic [REDACTED]. I use these commodities to hedge my portfolio and my investments along the way, generally they are a limited portion of my portfolio strategically purchased with specific goals in place. I am a highly educated person and understand how to work these commodities in my favor (overall). I will not stand aside while regulators attempt to restrict my ability to successfully manage my own portfolio. Everyone has the right to make their own decisions, especially where their finances are concerned. For regulators to attempt to restrict or ban anyone from investing in anything they choose is flat out discrimination and should not be tolerated. Shame on the regulators for even suggesting such an arrogant move. We the people finally have the freedom of choice for investments on dozens of platforms and again regulators want to limit or completely block anyone from success. Bad form...