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Wesley Hurd Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Wesley Hurd


I urge FINRA to continue with the existing policy that allows leveraged inverse funds to be treated as any other publicly tradable ETF fund.

Individual investors/retail investors should have the freedom of choice to engage in risky, short-term heavy assets.

The risks are already communicated in existing shareholder comms and broker dealings. Also most investors in these funds probably have a sense of what they're doing as they're relatively more obscure to non-financial professionals, and there's plenty of awareness growing about the risks of holding them long term.

Also , I'm concerned that denying individual investors the ability to invest in such funds will actual have the effect of furthering economic inequality in a way that is social and politically dangerous and detrimental. Limiting L&I funds to institutional access only would give orgs with preexisting means and capital more leverage, while shutting out average everyday investors, which would end up fueling more economic inequality.