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Wallace Tolbert Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Wallace Tolbert


Leveraged funds are a great investment tool when properly utilized in a portfolio. They can certainly boost performance of a portfolio. I invest in them and think everyone should invest in them. In fact, I think they should be allowed in professional managed 401K's. They provide the versatility to trade markets, up and down, and to hedge or boost investments. Additionally, one can generate a great amount of wealth over time with small contributions and disciplined investment time frames. As we all know, markets go up over time. All crashes lead to higher highs in the markets at some point. so, what is the risk over the long term? The DOW began trading in 1892 and had several corrections/crashes. Yet, it always reaches a new high.

I have several friends and family members who are small investors that invest them. I always tell them to add money to the long side when they are down big.

Small investors are already restricted from special opportunities. The leveraged ETF's are more safe than options - which can expire worthless. At least the ETF's can be held without fear of going to 0 unless the markets go to 0.

People who invest in markets are intelligent and understand opportunity and risk.

We do not need regulators to restrict us from the opportunity to responsibly invest and trade levered funds over sound investments.