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Wade Pulliam Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Wade Pulliam

This proposed rule is clearly an attempt by elites to keep the individual investor from taking advantage of their terrible public policy. If this investor were to see that the government was spending too much money and going to cause inflation, how are they to protect their portfolio or actually take advantage of this mismanagement. Betting against Treasuries, like using TBT, would provide that function. How else can the individual investor make money? Sure, the elites can figure out a path. But this rules keeps everyone else down. Or if you see poor policy policy in the oil and gas industry, and know that a future administration will solve these poor domestic incentives and even worse foreign policy, and oil where at a historic high, how can you leverage that belief to profit. SCO allows that. Why am I not allowed to see the matrix and take advantage? Why do you think only NY [REDACTED] in suits are allowed to? This rule is and example of the worse type of elitism that is disrupting our body politic and resulting in the sort of uncertainty and disruptions that the SEC should not only not be encouraging, but actively very trying to ameliorate