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Virginia Donahue Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Virginia Donahue

Why has this troubling threat of severe restrictions shown up again to damage retail investors- many of whom are middle-class hard-working law-abiding Americans- by trying to take away the ONE SINGLE WAY we have to create decent financial protection and secure retirement for ourselves? The mega-money people in the Wall Street game have their insider information, algorithms, and just-this-side of legal maneuvers and methods to make the big bucks, kicking us retail investors to the side. The Leveraged and Inverse ETFs offered by such companies as ProShares and others give us a fighting chance to do the right thing for ourselves and our families. To have the big guys try to stop us is about as unfair and un-American as you can get. To assume we're all stupid and unable to understand how these ETFs work is insulting and backward. As an example, I, like many others, am totally aware of where our economy is heading with the rapid rise of non-stopping inflation, higher Fed rates, challenging geo-political and potentially renewing pandemic situations, a wide open border with its burgeoning drugs, drug deaths, cartels, and social burdens throughout our country, increasing crime, and the efforts to create a politically elite form of leadership that is already eroding the gains made for middle- and lower-class Americans. I, like many others, am truly THANKFUL that we have Leveraged and Inverse ETFs to help us through what every economist and investment guru sees coming. THEY will have their shorting of stocks, ways to maneuver in and out of bonds, and who knows what else- oh yeah, buying up real estate like crazy while the Chinese buy up American farmland. Why would you want to hurt the average people who are the backbone of this country but can't play those tricky mega-money games? Leveraged and Inverse ETFs are our ONE chance to keep our heads above water and protect ourselves and our families financially. We ask you, again, to step back from the fierce restrictions we are being threatened with, again. Please take these comments and the many others you are sure to receive and realize how important it is to protect the financial solidity of our country's middle class and those who aspire to move up to middle-class status. Thank you.