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Vincent Potts Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Vincent Potts

Dear FINRA Regulator,

I am retired and derive much of my income from investments. I prefer to make long term investments but have no desire to make complex individual futures trades myself to protect my long term investments during times of exceptional volatility. I do, however, like to utilize inverse funds and leveraged inverse funds to minimize my downside risk when market volatility gets intense - like it has been recently. This allows me to stay invested in Bond like instruments when rates are rising, and stay invested in good long term equities without the need to engage in excessive buying and selling! Without these inverse funds, people like me would be moving most of our investments into cash during down periods and thus be subject to heightened "timing risk" as well as potentially causing more volatility in the market!

Please don't impose overly restrictive regulations that will harm individual investors like me! Thank you!