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Victor Wilcox Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Victor Wilcox

As an individual investor I am concerned that limiting my investment options is being considered.

Commodity ETFs, inverse ETFs, and leveraged ETFs are an important part of my investment strategy, both as defensive options in turbulent markets and as vehicles to enhance short to medium term trend investment strategies.

These investment vehicles should not be limited to use by high wealth individuals or large companies. They are important to individual investors such as myself.

What an ironic time to be considering this. When individual stocks crash overnight by 20, 30, or 40 percent, you are seeking to somehow protect me as an individual investor from using ETFs that are nowhere near as risky. (Is FINRA considering administering a "test" before anyone again invests in Netflix or Teledoc? Hardly.)

I object to the thought of limiting my investment options. Particularly when the options are the very ones that give individual investors a chance to navigate successfully through turbulent markets.