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Victor Ranilla Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Victor Ranilla

To whom it may concern,

My name is Victor Ranilla with residence in Greenville, SC. I do not appreciate my rights to invest in securities, that I believe are suitable for me and my family, being taken away by regulators.

America is all about freedom, and I feel that this is a threat to my freedom to choose my own investments. My family and I are against this regulation.

I use leverage ETFs in order to increase my ROI and inverse ETFs to hedge against a posible market downtrend. Without this options for my family, we are left with fewer option that could potentially cause us to lose our principal. This is actually counterproductive for us middle class Americans.

My petition is for regulators to leave leverage and inverse ETFs alone. For us Americans, the more options we have, the better.


Victor A. Ranilla