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Vickie Gunn Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Vickie Gunn

AGAIN GOVERNMENT is trying to take from as a L.V.N. Nurse for over 50 YEARS my hard made retirement. As a Vocational Nurse my option to save was late in my life. So mine & my Husbands savings for our Golden Years is sparse. As a Master Plumber that owned his own business that was small in numbers (him & a helper). No retirement savings for him to claim. It is my right my retirement and the Government already taxes us so high on this small earnings. It is almost gone. We need help with less taxes and more assistance from our Government taking what little away [REDACTED] THAT IS CRIMINAL. LEAVE MY RETIREMENT [REDACTED] , & REMOVE THE PEOPLE IN THE GOVERNMENT WHO HAVE STOLEN FROM THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND AND TAX THEM IN THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES THAT HAVE MILLIONS OF MONEY