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Veronika Pascual Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Veronika Pascual

Dear FINRA regulators: I oppose any restrictions to my right to invest. 1. If I chose a complex fund to invest into, it means I understand the risk and benefit of it after having done my research; otherwise, I would go with a standard investment retirement package. I can take care of my money by choosing where to invest without government oversight. 2. I should not be required to go through any special schooling or testing in order to be given a green light to invest into my or my familys personal future. If I invest into something, it presupposes I did my research. And if my investment fails, well, oftentimes we learn best from our own mistakes! 3. Being able to invest in cryptocurrency funds, such as BITO, is an important part of my diversification strategies. Cryptocurrency is a new promising technology, and I do not want it to be strangled by government regulations that would hinder me from investing into it. 4. Finally, what has made USA great is the freedom for people to make their choices: career, health, investment. You name it. Imposing more and more government regulation in every sector of life of a sovereign individual turns USA more and more into a communist society. In view of the above, please do not impose any special regulation on my ability to invest into complex funds, or any funds for that matter.