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Vasudev Kamath Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Vasudev Kamath

Sir/Madam, FINRA Regulatory Notice # 22-08 I consider it is my right and privilege to invest in the publicly traded securities like leveraged and inverse funds as part of my investment risk and returns. I have the knowledge and understanding about these securities and the risks that are involved as part of my investment strategies, the returns and loses that could come from these kind of investments. I am opposed to the restrictions the regulators are trying on these investments by asking us to go through special process or passing a test before we can invest in public securities like these funds I have mentioned above. We do not certainly these kind of measures to be imposed on us. We should be able to choose not the regulators the kind of investment we want to invest and to enhance the returns for ourselves. We use these investments like leveraged and inverse funds to protect like hedge on our investments by seeking enhanced returns in a limited fashion as part of the overall portfolio. These investments should be available to all the people and not just for the rich people. These are public investment entities to all the public involved to invest and the Regulators should not take it out from certain section of the society.