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Trevor Kelton Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Trevor Kelton

I should be able to choose what I invest in. Why is gambling legal but I can't invest in what I deem appropriate? Gambling always has a house advantage and I cannot come out ahead in the long run but with investments I know exactly what I'm getting into and the risks involved. I should be able to store my money with NEXO or Celcius without having regulations shoved onto me. I should be able to buy GameStop or AMC stocks on a whim. I should be able to bet on the outcome of an election. I should be able to buy cryptocurrencies and binary options. Why have you decided I cannot do some of these things but I can just go down to the casino 20 minutes away and [REDACTED] all my life savings away? I am totally for passing a test to prove I am capable of handling my money but I am 100% against proving I have a net worth of over $1M. This 'accredited investor' stuff is complete [REDACTED] and I should be able to put my money wherever and in whatever I please, regardless of how much money I have. I'm totally for attesting I have read certain materials but I am completely against any sort of "cooling off periods" or getting special approval from some broker who doesn't give a single [REDACTED] about me or my life. It is my money. I earned it. I should be able to do what I want with it.