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Travis Palmer Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Travis Palmer

I oppose the possibility of restrictions being placed on my rights to invest in public investment vehicles. I should be able to choose what investments are right for me. Investments should be available to everyone not just who regulators deem worthy. I use leveraged and inverse funds to hedge positions and they are an important part of my strategies. There shouldnt be any kind of special education or test people have to go through to invest in public investment vehicles. When investing in these funds the broker general makes you accept a page anyway verifying you understand the risks. I think that is enough. Leveraged and inverse funds arent rocket science, they are easy to understand and anyone can figure it out. I cant believe that regulators are even wasting their time with something as little and petty as this. There are so many more important things going on in the investment world that should be addressed. Seems like some big money and lobbying is behind it. Shame.