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Tom Phan Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Tom Phan

The current regulations on "complex securities" is adequate. FINRA and SEC doesn't need any further new regulations in complex securities. These complex securities have the same risk and volatility as buying a individual stock. Geared ETF and Inverse are for advance investor and trader. The current agreement with brokers is adequate. I studied geared and crypto trust for hundreds of hours. These funds are monitored daily like individual stocks and thematic ETF. If the regulators want to really address market risk. Address the dark pools, naked shorts, lack of lit exchanges, toxic shorts on individual companies by hedge funds using misinformation media campaigns. I understand the risk of all securities and use strong risk management to limit losses and gains. I test each security before allocating larger funds. A written test isn't needed since common investors don't use complex securities and education on complex securities is highly a accessible online I urge the regulators keep current rules regarding complex securities.