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Todd Barlow Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08


I recently learned of Finra's interest in taking the choice of how an individual investor wants to invest away from them. Regulators should not have the ability to limit how an individual wants to invest his/her funds. There are already plenty of government regulations that limit how much we can invest in tax deferred options. The government should also not limit investment options to just the privileged, it should be available to all. With the absence of pension plans, the onus is on us as individuals to properly prepare for retirement. Typical options made available in most 401k plans do not suffice. Being able to use leveraged funds as a responsible part of our accounts helps us as individuals to receive the returns necessary to make retirement a possibility. The government needs to stop over-reaching its bounds and continuing to act like individuals are not capable of making decisions for themselves and for their futures. I would ask that you please remember your role as a government, it is established for the people, that means you don't set up rules and regulations that are harmful to the majority of the people to provide opportunities to only a selected group of people.