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Timothy Sessions Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Timothy Sessions

I am not a child or mentally deficient so I find it disturbing that FINRA regulators feel that I need a nanny to oversee my financial decisions. Wealthy investors have access to advanced financial instruments not accessible to regular investors like myself. Leveraged and inverse funds somewhat even the playing field for retail investors. When the market becomes volatile I can hedge my investments with these funds. Who are you to tell me what I can invest in? Where are you when sketchy companies convince investors to buy their stocks to exorbitant values only to see all their money disappear when the sketchy company goes out of business? Making a judicious choice to invest in the direction of the market should be a right for common investors. To only allow the ultra wealthy this opportunity is elitist, unfair and wrong. I strongly urge you to not restrict my right to invest in leveraged and inverse funds.