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Timothy Sepik Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Timothy Sepik

As a former Registered Representative with PaineWebber and traded successfully Inverse Commodity and Equity ETN's, one as ticker tape reader and using regression programs for trend analysis, I appreciate the opportunity within my IRA to protect the account value of cash long and short. The issue of Future contracts, Currency Swaps, and Repurchase Agreements are internal to the ETNs, themselves, and really unimportant to the simple fact if the tape moves 1% to the S&P I earn 2% or 3%. A variance to prices through different time periods attests to buy and hold strategies to Pivot Points to moves as understood by Jesse Livermore, unlike the short term recommendations to the prospectus or Wire house reminders to buys and sells as with TD Ameritrade. A Candle Stick Chart looks the same to a stock as SPY, as SPXL with the caveat I get three percent instead of 1%, and adjust Stops accordingly.

Such regulatory restrictions are contrary to the Constitution and our economic wheel of money, credit, Securities, and property, and absent of criminal activity my right to Amendment IV to be secure in my person, house, papers, and effects, as managing Inverse Equity Funds.