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Tim Barker Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Tim Barker

I have been using Leveraged ETFs for years as part of my family's overall wealth building and management plan.

There is no reason for government regulation and limitations to be placed on these instruments, as they are an important tool in helping meet financial goals.

These are publicly traded funds that provide powerful boosts to performance for personal investors at a reasonable cost.

Although there are inherent risks associated with Leveraged ETFs, (as with any financial investment instrument) the benefits provided to personal investors greatly outweigh the need for limiting access by a government agency.

Leveraged ETFs are an inexpensive way to level the playing field with deep pocket investors and institutions by providing the ability to use leverage without the need to risk far more capital to buy options and futures contracts on the underlying securities. They should continue to be offered without limitations and red tape which would ultimately make them more expensive and less available to personal investors.

All investors are fully capable of understanding the risks inherent in these instruments.

I only wish FINRA and other government regulators would understand the greater risk that they pose by trying to limit and regulate these instruments!

Leveraged ETFs should continue to be available to all, in order to aid in personal portfolio management.