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Thomas Streit Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Thomas Streit

Guys, stop with the whole, "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING! WE HAVE TO PROTECT YOU FROM YOURSELF!" .. It's outdated and clear that you just want more control over who can invest, when they can invest, and how many people can actually become financially stable in the future, far and near. Again, it's all about control, you want the control over how we manage our finances which will eventually lead to, as a whole, control over our finances in general!

I don't need you to 'hold my hand' and 'help me choose' where my own hard earned money is going. I am not a child, I am an adult. Public investments are a part of what makes this country amazing. And you're saying you want to LIMIT THAT? You -WANT- to limit the country and it's people? You -WANT- to restrict _public_ investing to just the privileged? Seems suspicious at best. Like an abusive, control hungry spouse.

I shouldn't have to take a test before I can invest in public securities. The risk is my own, and I understand and accept it with open arms. If I screw up, get addicted to gambling, spend my life's savings at the casino and become homeless? Who's fault is that? Mine. Not the casino, not the system. Neither the casino or the system force people to go play with their money. They go in knowing the risk of loss. Every time I get in my vehicle, I knowingly risk my life. Are you going to say I can't drive to work? Even with investments, regular people are putting money where their mouths are, and at the very least, supporting businesses and sectors they believe in.You have no right to limit or prevent that.

I personally believe in the power of Oil, and how secure it could make us as a country. Electrical grid is down due to natural disaster? Oil and gas are still running strong. I invested in a leveraged oil fund because I believed in it. It also helps me cushion and diversify my portfolio. If I lose the gain on it, that's fine. I expect it to move in both directions. Are you really saying, to me and all of America, that we aren't allowed to invest in the businesses we believe in? That we're not allowed to help the country progress just because it's potentially in a direction or something -you don't agree with-?