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Thomas Bennet-Jr. Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Thomas Bennet-Jr.

I am a private investor and am writing this letter to express my concerns with the actions proposed in the FINRA regulatory notice 22-08. The actions described in the notice seem to fall under the premise that the government can chose the publicly traded investments that are best for me or worse, I have to jump through hoops to pass some sort of government test to invest in things such as leveraged ETF's or inverse ETF's. It should go without saying but I have to say it her in protest of these potential rules - stay out of my investment choices. If it is a public security (complex, leveraged, inverse, or otherwise), leave me alone to make my choice. I need to have full access to the tools that the wall street folks have (or wealthy folks have) to manage risk and enhance returns in my portfolio. Whether or not my strategies work is my choice - no different than deciding how to allocate my income to savings, buying cars or any other choices I have. The proposed restrictions only hurt retail investors as the other end of wall street will always have these tools to use. Stay out of my choice making please.