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Thomas Ardisson Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Thomas Ardisson


I have been trading in the stock market for decades. I hope you would agree that cash is a position if you are investing in the stock market. Sometimes, like now in the current market, a large cash position may be advantageous to maintaining ones wealth.

Likewise, the use of leveraged ETFs in certain sectors or even inverse or leveraged inverse ETFs in other sectors could be positions as either a hedge or to take advantage to profit from down trending markets. I understand these instruments and the risks involved in using them. You know, there are risks involved when just purchasing stocks long. It makes sense for brokers and financial advisors to have to be licensed if they are making money selling these products to the public. There is no need for me , an average Joe Public person, to spend time and money to become a licensed advisor to trade these products.

It is not fair to the average person to not have all the tools to profit in the market that the privileged people have. I was able to profit handsomely in 2008 holding shares of PSQ and RWM. In my opinion it is much easier to control risk in purchasing inverse ETFs than it is in buying PUT options for the same indices or sectors.