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Thinh Le Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Thinh Le

I am writing to protest the planned FINRA regulatory notice #22-08 that would restrict my right to invest in leveraged and/or inverse ETF products. These types of investment products are not for everyone but they do serve an important role in hedging and investment strategies for experienced investors who understand and can managed the inherent risks. Furthermore, banning these investment products would unjustly devalue the private property of investors who currently hold these types of products in their portfolios. I don't feel that it's the place of a regulatory agency to determine what investors are allowed to invest in if said investors are fully aware of and willing to bear the inherent risks that they are taking on. In a free society, citizens should be able to make their own decisions without government and regulatory agencies trying to protect them from themselves. This is a slippery slope that will set negative precedent in the marketplace in which the government restricts individual rights to exercise self determination in one's own investment decisions. After all, the financial markets are inherently risky and it is up to individual investors to understand risks before investing. It is not the government's role to limit or restrict investment options available to private citizens. In my own portfolio, inverse and leveraged ETF products serve a critical hedging purpose in offsetting risk and lowering overall portfolio risk. I ask that regulators take into consideration my right as an individual to make my own decisions. I ask that you respect my right to financial individual decision-making freedom and not ban my right to use leveraged and inverse ETF products currently available in the marketplace.