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Ted Nykaza Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Ted Nykaza

Leveraged and inverse EFTs have an integral place in the financial markets. I often use them for hedging which reduces the risks in my portfolio. It is not the place of FINRA to take away toys from children in a kindergarten class when the children don't play properly or well with each other. I am not saying that investment and hedging products are toys, but it is possible that when used improperly serious losses can occur. I am saying that the Democratic Party agenda to treat the entire country as if not a single American is older than 3 years is a problem. Responsible hedging reduces the risk in a portfolio. I have actively used leveraged and inverse ETFs to hedge during the prior months when the market had significant losses. I needed the leveraged and inverse ETFs to hedge and reduce my losses. I was also quite successful using this hedge to beat the market's significant losses during the same period. The Democratic agenda to spread their witch hunt to Wall Street and to treat Americans like children must end. The [REDACTED] Democrats mandate that we go to the doctor, they mandate what we can buy and sell, they force us to inject foreign serums into our bodies. The Democrats have brought autocracy to almost every aspects of our lives. It is time for FINRA to step up and tell Biden that Americans are not children who don't know how to take care of themselves. Keep leveraged and inverse ETFs for the obvious reason which is that hedging tools exist to reduce risk.