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Taylor Porter Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Taylor Porter

To whom it may concern,

I oppose any restrictions on my right to choose to make investments in any public investment. Investments should be available to all, not just the rich and privileged. I am perfectly capable of making my own investment decisions, I don't need you to tell me what is and what isn't a good investment.

I have already lost out on tens of thousand of dollars in gains because of the "accredited investor" rules. I was an early investor in a Canadian mining company that spun out a royalty to early investors. Later on they did capital raise and it was offered to those same shareholders yet I was not legally able to participate because I am not an accredited investor. I desperately want to buy those shares (up to 6,000 shares at about 15 cents per share Canadian$ which now trade at US$4.00 and have traded as high as US$7.00) because I KNEW the value of the company and it's resource.
Please, let us, as free Americans, make our own investment decisions.

Thank you,

Taylor Porter