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Taylor Pludow Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Taylor Pludow

Investments in leveraged ETFs gave me the ability to sustain my family in times of our tumultuous economy. I would not have access to them had they been over zealously gatekept by over-regulation. I can only assume that in your position you are hoping to protect the public from investing in securities they do not fully understand or you feel is potentially exploitive. Perhaps issuers of leveraged ETFs could do more for us investors, maybe adjustments are necessary. From my experience though had I not been able to utitlize ETFs I would have lost my home and moved back in with family last year. Putting further strain on our economy by having to setup access/membership with our governments welfare programs and not contributing capital gains tax to IRS. Had only index funds been available to me my gains with have been three times less and the barrier to entry would have been so high that I would have been unable to invest in index funds enough to make a significant enough positive impact financially for myself. Thank you for your time and consideration.