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Tara Burmeister Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Tara Burmeister

Restricting people from investing when we already have a prospectus is becoming a nanny we do not need. You have a ridiculous amount of restrictions already in place. You do NOT need more power of what we can and can't do.

America prides herself in freedom, correct? Then allow us to enjoy our freedoms without sticking the sucker in the sandbox. We all see the sand box and if someone actually sticks their sucker in it, that's on them.

The old woman that spilled hot coffee in her lap ruined coffee for millions of other fully capable grown Americans.

Don't give us a reason to dislike you more. Stick to stopping Fraud and Money laundering. Starting with our elected officials would be best. As of now, those people make you look terribly inept. When they are under control or in prison, then we can talk about you stepping in our puddle. Until then... Keep your hands to yourself when people are doing nothing to warrant interference.