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Tanya Davis Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Tanya Davis

Again, regulators who do not know me AT ALL want to make serious, critical decisions about my financial needs/wants. WHY??? Please, let me decide what investments are right for me and make sure, continue to keep ALL public leveraged and inverse funds/investments available for everyone. Isn't is a good thing I want to be a secure, self-supporting, productive citizen of society? It benefits me, you, and especially society if I learn about, know, and use public leveraged and inverse funds/investments to secure my financial future. Is there a test, a special process citizens have to go through to be on welfare or medicaid? Do citizens have special measures imposed on them in order to have permission to be homeless? Why hinder me from wanting to improve myself and my financial standing in society? Give me, allow me every opportunity to gain financially and grow my wealth. If I take advantage of these opportunities reward me...keep these investment avenues available for me to continue. If I do not take advantage of them, I suffer the consequences be it low economic status, inability to acquire good jobs, a promising career, the enjoyment of all that our society has to offer. Let me be free to use public leveraged and inverse funds/ investments as I deem necessary for my financial gain as an integral part of my portfolio. Please.