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T Weddle Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

T Weddle

Dear Sir/Madam,

As an American Citizen, I should be able to invest in whatever public investment I choose.

I gave 30 years, putting my life on the line every single day, to protect the rights and freedoms of all American Citizens.

Those rights, that I fought so hard to protect, should not infringed upon. And if I want to invest MY own hard-earned money into something that I am fully capable of understanding, and fully aware of the risks involved, as well as the rewards, that come from these types of investments, that's MY choice, and no one else's.

Government overreach is completely out of control. I understand with wealth comes power, and the wealthy want to stay wealthy and powerful. They don't want the average citizen to reap the same rewards they benefit from or impede on the power and political influence they have. And that's exactly what it all boils down to.

I just want what is my right as an American Citizen, a chance for myself and my family to live the American Dream. I, like so many others, have had just about enough of this nonsense. It's time to vote freedom infringing politicians out of office and start putting politicians that will support and protect Americans and their aspirations into office.
