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SW Thompson Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

SW Thompson

FINRA has no business involving another governmental agency in the financial markets. Why dont you spend time stopping the big banks from spoofing silver and gold prices. Now that is a real problem you could solve. I minored in Economics in college and understand the risks of leverage and inverse funds. Im currently using these types of positions for downside protection. Its an integral part of my portfolio. If you are attempting to assist the market to the upside, why dont you just return to the Uptick Rule. Its obvious what FINRA is attempting to do; forcing retail investors out of the protection of inverse funds. If George Soros and Joseph P Kennedy can make their fortunes by using short positions, why cant everyone else. I had a renowned Economics Instructor once tell me that there is an element of risk IN EVERYTHING. You cannot possibly protect investors from risk. Please reconsider this Regulatory Notice.
Thank You,