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Suzanne DeFriez Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Suzanne DeFriez

Please do not add more hurtles to investing in inverse ETFs and leveraged ETFs.

Ive used several ProShares leveraged inverse/ short ETFs to act as over night insurance for my bond and equity funds, i.e to reduce loss when fear is roiling the markets. I am in my late 50s, I also trade long ETFs where I hold for brief periods to improve my overall return. I consider both long and short, leveraged ETFs vital to my financial security. Honestly, the time I will be able to access my social security has been increased from 65 from prior generations to 67 for mine. While I plan on working as long as possible, I feel that I need a hedge in case I dont make it to 65. So far, due to diligence on my part, that hedge is working just fine. Please dont take it away from me.