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Stewart Prudhomme Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

stewart Prudhomme

No longer will we settle to graze on fallow investments deemed safe enough for the unwashed sheep that you wish us to be. We know your so called professional investors (hedge funds) are given Carte Blanche to manipulate the markets for the enrichment of the elite. Your worst nightmare is an educated electorate. Youve seen the success retail investors can have to the detriment of the criminal professionals with these investment products and youre attempting to take away middle class opportunity yet again! I say NO MORE!!! I will actively campaign against any entity promoting this travesty. Do you want to truly see the full extent of cancel culture Wall Street, Regulators? Do not tread on these investment products and know that we see you for who you are and will not succumb to your indentured servitude any longer. Take care and God Bless you!