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Steven Williams Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Steven Williams

In a time when the wealth gap is a great as it has ever been introducing these kinds of regulations is only going to ensure that it gets worse.

Restricting an investor's access, in any way, from complex securities or otherwise; only ensures that the wealthier among us, who can afford to meet these additional requirements, will have greater opportunities to invest than those of us who cannot. It does not matter how benign the restriction might be, it can only further disparage the wealth gap that regulators should be seeking instead to shrink.

As an investor, I should be free to take on any risk as I deem appropriate for my investing strategy with my money. If I choose to take on added risk by investing in complex securities, that is a choice I alone should make; and, as such, if I incur a loss due to that risk, then I alone am to blame.