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Steven Sears Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Steven Sears

It is not the place of any government agency to tell me what I can invest in. This is a major overreach into my financial freedom. I fully understand the products that I invest in & do not need to prove my knowledge. Leveraged & inverse funds are extremely important to my investment objectives. These funds allow me to use less of my capital. This is important for the rest of my capital can be saved for future use. In addition these funds make it possible to prosper in any market environment. It should be up to the individual investor to know what these products are. It is THEIR RESPONSIBILITY. Responsible investors should NOT be punished for the irresponsibility of others. Any investment involves risk. What comes next? Will there be restrictions imposed on buying common stocks? Common stocks involve risk & require knowledge. Put an end to this abuse of my financial freedom & stop this regulation now!