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Steven Pine Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Steven Pine

During my 40 plus years of trading and investing for both short and long term profits, I utilize both leveraged and inverse trading vehicles to balance my families portfolios in volatile markets. These are important vehicles which provide that investment strategy in balancing market action.

Regulators should NOT interfere nor have the authority to select/provide what investments are available to invest in which restricts my ability to secure our families financial future. This is true in the markets of today which has been driven by higher liquidly values rather than the value of these companies and their earnings. Without leveraged and inverse funds, only the more privileged and large investment firms will profit forcing most investors to them

History has shown the failures of these large institutions only to be saved by federal interventions.

Please do not consider removing our families option to balance our retirement portfolios with these inverse and leveraged ETF's.

Thank you for your time and considerations.