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Steve Fekete Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Steve Fekete

Please, go ahead, ban what you want. That is EXACLY what people like me are hoping for and actually waiting for. The more you try to crack down on ANY fund, investment vehicle, etc., the more DECENTRALIZED this world WILL become. Do you have any clue what this means? This means your silly little power hungry organization that wants so desperately to hang on to the old system, will be crying when you are literally powerless to stop the avalanche of DECENTRALIZED systems that will be coming that you will NOT be able to stop. You cannot stop DECENTRALIZED. So by all means, be my guest. Help the movement to DECENTRALIZATION. I welcome getting rid of power hungry crap organizations like FINRA that CLAIM to protect the little guy, the retail investor, etc, when in reality you ONLY CARE ABOUT PROTECTING THE RICH. Bring it on. I am a programmer, and you have no idea what is coming with DECENTRALIZATION.