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Stephen Sorensen Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Stephen Sorensen

Regarding FINRA Regulatory Notice #22-08

I am an investor that values the United States investment opportunities provided by Both un-leveraged and leveraged funds. I understand the risks involved and swings in volatility. Yes, the market rises and falls. Yes, volatility is ever present. It is exactly those swings in price and the ensuing volatility that allows investors to profit from their investments. Just because some misguided and greedy people use the stock market as a gambling opportunity instead of an investment opportunity does not mean the stock market and its variety of both leveraged and un-leveraged funds is bad. Quite the opposite actually true. Should people learn and know how to invest? Of course. Schools are the place for that. Is it the responsibility of regulators to tell people how to invest or what they should invest in? No! Allow the market to do what it does best, and that is to provide an opportunity for every day people to invest in companies and groups of companies as they choose. Fair warning is appropriate, but outright demands that limit a persons ability to invest as they choose is not appropriate.