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Stephen Johnson Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Stephen Johnson

It's extremely annoying when US Government regulatory agencies think they know what financial products are appropriate for me. The US was founded because a bunch of British citizens didn't approve of their overlord's restrictions. Unfortunately, it seems the 'leaders' of this country have learned nothing from that part of our history.

If you want to ensure companies are not swindling investors by requiring them to fully disclose the appropriate information, that's great. However, it is every human's right to invest in whatever product they wish. We investors are not idiots nor children to be coddled. There are plenty of us that are quite sophisticated despite not having a lot of money. By preventing us from accessing certain financial products, you are not saving us from ourselves; but rather preventing us from creating a better life.

Accredited investors have an insane advantage. It appears you're trying to further widen the gap. Cryptocurrencies and leverage are powerful tools. They have helped me immensely in the past.

Please, for the love of whatever deity you may or may not worship, I beg you to not take away this freedom and path to financial success. Go after bad companies; not the little people.