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Stephen G Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Stephen G

I am disappointed that these onerous regulations are being imposed upon me. I have not harmed anyone with my trading of these investments. I think it is insulting and patronizing that FINRA would impose these restrictions. I think it is unfair that my access to these investment products may be restricted. And for what reason? I've been using leveraged funds for years, and while I may not demonstrate a high enough net worth or pass your special test, you can look at my track record with trading these funds and plainly see that my returns have surpassed that of the non-leverage counterpart funds. Thus, this is the investment strategy that is right for me and my family and it is financially injurious for you to take it away.

It's as if you're saying because one chooses to buy a porsche rather than a prius, that oh my goodness, because the porsche is capable of going faster, you have to have a special race car driver license and go to race car driving school and train at the race track even if you're just going back and forth to work. And oh by the way, even though you own that car, you can't drive it 2 weeks a month because we think you need a 'cooling off period.' Please.