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Sriram Vidyarthi Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Sriram Vidyarthi

Dear FINRA Regulatory Team

I oppose limitations on my investments strategy or choices and I do not need any measures imposed on me due to the following reasons:

I have good understanding and specialized investment knowledge to invest in any ETF funds including leveraged or inverse funds. I have started investing in leveraged funds after gaining years of experience in stock market trading. I am aware of the risks and benefits involved in the leverage funds and I invest them carefully and sensitively. I use leveraged funds as a limited part of my overall portfolio and these funds are important to my investment strategies because they help me protect my overall investment due to losses occurred from the other investments in my portfolio.
In general, I should have freedom to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family and therefore I oppose any restrictions imposed on me for investing in public investments.
Sriram Vidyarthi