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Sonja Vogel Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Sonja Vogel

Dear FINRA Regulatory panel,
Herewith I want to let you know I Veto any restrictions in regards to trading any kind of assets in the public domain with any company offering inverse funds, high yield bond funds or any other offered funds of any kind.
I am well aware in regards to fund or stock trading for more then 20 years.
I belief it should be to the choice of an individual how, when, what to trade as long as it is nothing illegal.
However there should be if possible instructions to any possible trading scenario provided to educate individuals in regards to outcomes of certain trades.
So it is fully understood what outcomes could be , or to actually wait till the full trade is completed and there need to be always a human person on the other end of a phone line if any questions arise in case of an issue while trading.

Thank you very much for your consideration with best