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Shelby Stewart Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Shelby Stewart

I OPPOSE RESTRICTIONS TO MY RIGHT TO INVEST. I, not regulators, should get to choose the public investments that are right for my investment strategies. Public investments should be available to all, not the select privileged. I oppose requirements of regulator-imposed tests, sharing private financial information, obtaining special permission, and any and all other restrictions on leveraged/inverse funds and complex trading products. Like many other retail investors, I understand leveraged/inverse funds and other complex products and their associated risks. Leveraged funds are vital to my investment strategies and have helped me build financial stability early in life through enhanced returns. It is audacious that FINRA should arbitrarily determine who has the right to invest through the imposition of regulation. I urge you to let retail investors continue to invest in complex trading products free from unnecessary, overreaching regulation. Let investment firms design their own operating procedures to minimize risk at the business level for their customers concerning these complex products. I urge you to reject the proposed imposition of regulatory requirements outlined in FINRA Regulatory Notice #22-08.